每当一个人听到污染的时候,比不是不是,他们思想的第一个想法是空气污染。全球最介绍和讨论的污染之一是我们水体中不可生物降解的废物引起的。在印度的情况下,河流和湖泊表面有很多塑料废物。 Ganga River是10家河流之一,占90%的塑料,最终在大海中,由于这种废物,湖泊有主要的纳拉纳斯和湖泊的主要案例。这限制了清洁水源,导致水源的主要耗尽。从2001年到2012年,在海德拉巴市,3245公顷的湖泊消散了。在新德里南部的平均水平,水将九英尺抬起。因此,清洁这些本地水体和河流至关重要。我们的宗旨是开发一种水面清洁机床,该机床部署在岸上。机器人将在途中检测垃圾斑块并收集垃圾,从而使水体清洁。该解决方案采用监测机制,以便在发现任何人被发现污染水体时提醒当局。开发了一种通过使用太阳能来为系统供电的可持续系统。计算机视觉算法用于检测水面上的垃圾。该垃圾由机器人收集,并在指定位置处置。除了清洁水体外,还借助虚拟击剑算法实施了预防措施,如果有人试图污染水处理,则会提醒当局。部署Web应用程序和移动应用程序以分别检查机器人和岸上监控的运动。这种完整的解决方案涉及水护理所需的预防性和治疗措施。
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本地或无功导航对于在室内环境中运行的自主移动机器人至关重要。计算机视觉等技术需要显着的计算能力,这增加了成本。同样,使用基本方法使机器人容易受到不一致行为的影响。本文旨在开发一种机器人,通过使用机器学习来预测基于来自四个超声波传感器的距离输入的最佳障碍物避免移动,这些机器人余额,这些机器人通过战略安装在前面,前左,前右侧和背部的四个超声波传感器的距离输入机器人。底层硬件由Arduino Uno和Raspberry Pi 3b组成。首先在机器人收集的数据上培训机器学习模型。然后,Arduino不断调查传感器并计算距离值,并且在避免批判性的情况下,由Arduino制造合适的机动。在其他情况下,使用USB连接将传感器数据发送到覆盆子PI,并且机器学习模型产生最佳导航的移动,这将相应地发送到Arduino以进行驱动电机。该系统安装在2 WD机器人机箱上,并在杂乱的室内环境中进行测试,结果最令人印象深刻。
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We propose the fully differentiable $\nabla$-RANSAC.It predicts the inlier probabilities of the input data points, exploits the predictions in a guided sampler, and estimates the model parameters (e.g., fundamental matrix) and its quality while propagating the gradients through the entire procedure. The random sampler in $\nabla$-RANSAC is based on a clever re-parametrization strategy, i.e.\ the Gumbel Softmax sampler, that allows propagating the gradients directly into the subsequent differentiable minimal solver. The model quality function marginalizes over the scores from all models estimated within $\nabla$-RANSAC to guide the network learning accurate and useful probabilities.$\nabla$-RANSAC is the first to unlock the end-to-end training of geometric estimation pipelines, containing feature detection, matching and RANSAC-like randomized robust estimation. As a proof of its potential, we train $\nabla$-RANSAC together with LoFTR, i.e. a recent detector-free feature matcher, to find reliable correspondences in an end-to-end manner. We test $\nabla$-RANSAC on a number of real-world datasets on fundamental and essential matrix estimation. It is superior to the state-of-the-art in terms of accuracy while being among the fastest methods. The code and trained models will be made public.
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Our earlier research built a virtual shake robot in simulation to study the dynamics of precariously balanced rocks (PBR), which are negative indicators of earthquakes in nature. The simulation studies need validation through physical experiments. For this purpose, we developed Shakebot, a low-cost (under $2,000), open-source shake table to validate simulations of PBR dynamics and facilitate other ground motion experiments. The Shakebot is a custom one-dimensional prismatic robotic system with perception and motion software developed using the Robot Operating System (ROS). We adapted affordable and high-accuracy components from 3D printers, particularly a closed-loop stepper motor for actuation and a toothed belt for transmission. The stepper motor enables the bed to reach a maximum horizontal acceleration of 11.8 m/s^2 (1.2 g), and velocity of 0.5 m/s, when loaded with a 2 kg scale-model PBR. The perception system of the Shakebot consists of an accelerometer and a high frame-rate camera. By fusing camera-based displacements with acceleration measurements, the Shakebot is able to carry out accurate bed velocity estimation. The ROS-based perception and motion software simplifies the transition of code from our previous virtual shake robot to the physical Shakebot. The reuse of the control programs ensures that the implemented ground motions are consistent for both the simulation and physical experiments, which is critical to validate our simulation experiments.
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Psychology research has long explored aspects of human personality such as extroversion, agreeableness and emotional stability. Categorizations like the `Big Five' personality traits are commonly used to assess and diagnose personality types. In this work, we explore the question of whether the perceived personality in language models is exhibited consistently in their language generation. For example, is a language model such as GPT2 likely to respond in a consistent way if asked to go out to a party? We also investigate whether such personality traits can be controlled. We show that when provided different types of contexts (such as personality descriptions, or answers to diagnostic questions about personality traits), language models such as BERT and GPT2 can consistently identify and reflect personality markers in those contexts. This behavior illustrates an ability to be manipulated in a highly predictable way, and frames them as tools for identifying personality traits and controlling personas in applications such as dialog systems. We also contribute a crowd-sourced data-set of personality descriptions of human subjects paired with their `Big Five' personality assessment data, and a data-set of personality descriptions collated from Reddit.
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Many real-world applications of language models (LMs), such as code autocomplete and writing assistance, involve human-LM interaction, but the main LM benchmarks are non-interactive, where a system produces output without human intervention. To evaluate human-LM interaction, we develop a framework, Human-AI Language-based Interaction Evaluation (H-LINE), that expands non-interactive evaluation along three dimensions, capturing (i) the interactive process, not only the final output; (ii) the first-person subjective experience, not just a third-party assessment; and (iii) notions of preference beyond quality. We then design five tasks ranging from goal-oriented to open-ended to capture different forms of interaction. On four state-of-the-art LMs (three variants of OpenAI's GPT-3 and AI21's J1-Jumbo), we find that non-interactive performance does not always result in better human-LM interaction and that first-person and third-party metrics can diverge, suggesting the importance of examining the nuances of human-LM interaction.
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Bike sharing systems often suffer from poor capacity management as a result of variable demand. These bike sharing systems would benefit from models to predict demand in order to moderate the number of bikes stored at each station. In this paper, we attempt to apply a graph neural network model to predict bike demand in the New York City, Citi Bike dataset.
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A hallmark of human intelligence is the ability to learn new concepts purely from language. Several recent approaches have explored training machine learning models via natural language supervision. However, these approaches fall short in leveraging linguistic quantifiers (such as 'always' or 'rarely') and mimicking humans in compositionally learning complex tasks. Here, we present LaSQuE, a method that can learn zero-shot classifiers from language explanations by using three new strategies - (1) modeling the semantics of linguistic quantifiers in explanations (including exploiting ordinal strength relationships, such as 'always' > 'likely'), (2) aggregating information from multiple explanations using an attention-based mechanism, and (3) model training via curriculum learning. With these strategies, LaSQuE outperforms prior work, showing an absolute gain of up to 7% in generalizing to unseen real-world classification tasks.
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Large Language Models (LLMs) have been the subject of active research, significantly advancing the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). From BERT to BLOOM, LLMs have surpassed state-of-the-art results in various natural language tasks such as question answering, summarization, and text generation. Many ongoing efforts focus on understanding LLMs' capabilities, including their knowledge of the world, syntax, and semantics. However, extending the textual prowess of LLMs to symbolic reasoning has been slow and predominantly focused on tackling problems related to the mathematical field. In this paper, we explore the use of LLMs for automated planning - a branch of AI concerned with the realization of action sequences (plans) to achieve a goal, typically executed by intelligent agents, autonomous robots, and unmanned vehicles. We introduce Plansformer; an LLM fine-tuned on planning problems and capable of generating plans with favorable behavior in terms of correctness and length with reduced knowledge-engineering efforts. We also demonstrate the adaptability of Plansformer in solving different planning domains with varying complexities, owing to the transfer learning abilities of LLMs. For one configuration of Plansformer, we achieve ~97% valid plans, out of which ~95% are optimal for Towers of Hanoi - a puzzle-solving domain.
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Chatbots, or bots for short, are multi-modal collaborative assistants that can help people complete useful tasks. Usually, when chatbots are referenced in connection with elections, they often draw negative reactions due to the fear of mis-information and hacking. Instead, in this paper, we explore how chatbots may be used to promote voter participation in vulnerable segments of society like senior citizens and first-time voters. In particular, we build a system that amplifies official information while personalizing it to users' unique needs transparently. We discuss its design, build prototypes with frequently asked questions (FAQ) election information for two US states that are low on an ease-of-voting scale, and report on its initial evaluation in a focus group. Our approach can be a win-win for voters, election agencies trying to fulfill their mandate and democracy at large.
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